A phobia is an extreme fear of something and may be the result of a conditioned fear response
without knowing the initial cause. Around 10% of the adult population suffer from some form of phobia which can often result in severe difficulties in living an everyday life. Phobias can be specific (fear of spiders, heights, flying, driving, needles, dental treatment, confined spaces, etc) or more general, such as agoraphobia (fear of leaving a familiar safe area).
The feeling of fear in certain situations is normal, and is part of our ‘fight or flight response’ which has evolved to protect us. Phobias, however, have disproportionate levels of fear to the perceived threat that they are irrational, and responses may vary from mild anxiety to panic attacks. Sufferers are generally well aware of this, but feel out of control and can go to great extremes to avoid the situation arising.
Avoidance, however, can exacerbate the problem and lead to further issues.Hypnotherapy can help with phobias in a number of ways. Deep relaxation can be achieved, reducing levels of stress and anxiety, and allowing gradual desensitisation to the triggering event. Hypnotherapy can help you change the way you interpret perceived threat situations. It allows you to respond more
naturally to situations, which will leave you feeling more calm, relaxed and in control. Even if you don't know where the fear comes from, you can still undo or reduce the limiting thoughts that have created the problem
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