Lack of confidence and self-esteem can profoundly affect the way we interact with the world in our thinking, attitudes, behaviour, social effectiveness, and ultimately, our wellbeing. It is negative life experiences that lower our self beliefs and these are usually a consequence of coping with limited success with situations and people in the past, often going back to childhood. These deep-rooted feelings and behaviours stay in the subconscious mind and resist conscious attempts to remove them often leading to a loss of control and subsequent lack of confidence and low esteem.
Clinical hypnotherapy using suggestion, visualisation and rehearsal and supported by the teaching of self-hypnosis techniques, can change the way your unconscious mind constrains current and future thoughts and self image. By removing negative thought processes you can develop a state of mind where self acceptance enables you to focus better and become more effective, learning from mistakes rather than being frightened by them and developing new positive ways of thinking and feeling.
a. Improving concentration & memory
Knowing how to improve concentration and memory is vital when you want to perform at
your best, study a new topic or pay close attention to something. Hypnosis and its
reinforcement through the teaching of self-hypnosis in improving memory and
concentration, is especially helpful and is easy to learn and practice. Whilst hypnosis
cannot take the place of studying and increased mental application, it can enhance your
ability to learn, remember and recall by utilising the unconscious mind, narrowing your
focus of attention and turning your attention inwards with beneficial results.
b. Enhancing communication
Any anxiety can limit optimum performance and have a detrimental impact on your selfconfidence so that if, for example, a person believes that they are a poor communicator, it
tends to make them so. Hypnotherapy can alleviate these self-limiting beliefs as well as
honing communication techniques in personal, social and professional environments.
c. Sales motivation
Through the development of improved self-confidence, the changing of limiting behaviours
and the use of focussed communication techniques, hypnotherapy can help improve a
professional’s selling ability - feeling more positive generates positive results.
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